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About Me


I'm David Mallon. I live in Aberdour in Fife, not far from Kinross the birthplace of James Braid, Father of Modern Hypnotism. Braid, a surgeon, was educated at the 

University of Edinburgh where I attended a 'few' years 

later. I like the coincidences!


Through personal experience I discovered just how effective hypnotherapy can be, and I'm passionate about the changes 'mind programming' can make. I'm not in the field to get rich - so believe me when I say it works!  My interest led me to a Diploma from the British Institute of Hypnotherapy and NLP. I provide first class support to those I work with, and I continue to develop my knowledge in an area which fascinates me. 


By day, I work in the field of software engineering - designing, programming and managing complex software for silicon chip design. I find there's lots of common ground between the disciplines. Like computers our minds are programmed, the difference being we acquire the programs through life and experience. The similarity is the programs don't always result in the behaviours we desire.


If you would like to change, to achieve more, stretch for new goals, be more in balance, or just be the best you can be, then I can help you to achieve your goals. I'm professionally qualified and insured to practise in the UK, and utilize many of the same techniques employed by top coaches and motivators in sport, fitness, and business, to help you improve your performance, and achieve your personal goals.


If that sounds interesting, or you feel now is the time to see the change you've been looking for, why not take a step in the right direction and drop me a message?


Apprehensive? A friend of mine likes to say, 'everything you on the other side of fear'. From experience, I think for many of us that's often the case.




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